Sunday, November 05, 2006

Trip To Los Angeles

We just got back from a trip to LA. I went down on Tuesday with the gals and Parker and Michael joined us on Friday. It was a great trip. We met our new niece Julia, hung out with Amy, watched Parker play with Oliver, saw Peter do some math, ate a giant pancake, did the grand parent thing on both sides, nursed endlessly and then drove home today. Here are some highlights from our trip in no particular order.

Parker, Peter and Oliver jumping off the couch

Peter looking silly!

The kids playing piano

Oliver and Parker in the bath

The Marcus Family

Aunt Lori and babies

Amy at the piano with Julia and Parker

Ginny and Elizabeth

All the kids!

Oliver and his ladies

Amy and little Julia

Grandma Judy and Miranda...or is it?

The gals

Elizabeth and Julia on Halloween

Oliver enjoying the playmat

Just Julia

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