Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The witching hour

The girls, like Parker when he was their age, get restless and unhappy for a while at the end of each day, from roughly 6:30pm to 7:30pm or so. They just get cranky and hard to console and sometime ravenously hungry. They need a lot of attention during this time, particularly if you're hoping for a soft landing into sleep.

We've tried a variety of approaches, but our latest is working pretty well. We basically feed them until they pass out in a stupor. It has the added benefit of getting them full enough to sleep for 6 and 7 hours, if the last couple of nights aren't a concidence.

Here are the girls tonight, just as the witching hour was coming on. It hit Miranda first, as you can see, but Elizabeth laid it on pretty thick shortly after this. An hour later they were each five ounces heavier and zonked out but good.

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