Monday, November 13, 2006

Twins? Pu-shaw.

Besides the fact that Miranda and Elizabeth share the same birthday, they have very little else in common. Here is just a sampling of their differences...

Elizabeth could sleep the day away if given the chance. She is happy just laying around.

Miranda sleeps much less and prefers company.

Elizabeth loves to eat. When she latches on, she won't let go until the breast is drained (or until she falls asleep) or until the bottle is empty.

Miranda is a snacker. She likes to have a little here, a little there. She pulls off the bottle and breast frequently.

Elizabeth isn't fond of the bouncy chair. Don't get me wrong, she'll sit there (she isn't one to complain), but she doesn't seem to interested.

Miranda loves the bouncy chair. She can sit there for a long time (20 whole minutes) at a time before getting cranky. She coos and giggles watching the lights.

Elizabeth doesn't mind getting changed.

Miranda screams bloody murder each time.

Elizabeth is fond of her carseat. She is happy as a clam in it.

Miranda can't stand her car seat. And lets you know at every opportunity.

Elizabeth can't roll over.

And as the previous post states, Miranda can.

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