Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Almost, but not quite

I worked at Parker's preschool again today.

They had "science" today which was basically playing with magnets. Parker thought that was pretty cool.

He had his sharing today too. He brought his abacus. We practiced what he would say the night before using Michael and the girls as classmates. I wish I had videotaped that because it was hilarious. I was the teacher and I said "Ok parker, give us a clue what it is". He said, "it's square." I said, "Ok class does anyone want to guess what it is?" Elizabeth immediately raised her hand so I called on her referring to her as Mary Grace, a classmate of Parkers. She said, "An abacus?", he did ok. Not great as he almost immediately told his teacher what was in the bag. Luckily the kids had no idea what an abacus was so they happily guessed away. His clue? "It has a 100 beads." Their guesses? A flower? A princess? Video not working yet, but I'll post it here in a bit.

1 comment:

Ebba said...

the abacus story had me laughing out loud!