Saturday, November 01, 2008


Despite the rain, we took the kids out last night for trick or treating. Earlier in the evening, Miranda hurt her hand (I think I actually hurt it helping her out of the car), and she wasn't using it. So we ditched the horse costume and let her be a dragon that Susan had lent us. They each had bags for their candy, but after one house Miranda's broke. Our neighbor gave us a new one and made our way around the block. Most houses weren't participating, but there were enough that were to make if fun. Parker didn't really get it at first standing at Ed and George's house like a deer in the headlights. But Elizabeth got it immediately. She said trick or treat and when she discovered that holding out her bag resulting in candy, she would say trick or treat and then after getting a treat, hold her bag out again for more. Miranda generally stood on the sidewalk with me while her siblings went to the door. Sometimes the greeter would see her standing there and give us a piece of candy for her. Parker started out as his Oakland Zoo Tiger Roller Coaster, but since it was almost impossible to walk up stairs in and it was quite heavy, after one house, it was ditched and Parker wore Miranda's horse costume.

Our camera flash is broken so all the pictures are a little blurry.

Back at home, the kids inspected their loot and Parker and Elizabeth greeted trick or treaters. When the first one came up, Parker said Trick or Treat which made us all giggle. But then he really got into giving out the candy and would yell "There is someone coming" as they came up our stairs. It was really sad to see so many girls as disney princesses and much sadder to know our girls would most likely be them too some day. Miranda's bag got a hole in it which we only discovered when we got home and she had no candy. Luckily, it had all fallen out on our front porch. We let them eat as much as they wanted and then put the rest away in marked tupperware containers. I think the kids had a good time and will fully 'get it' next year.

Here is the real roller coaster from the zoo.

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