Tuesday, June 09, 2009

The endless saga of my back.

As many of you know, I've had back problems on and off since the girls were born. Everything from soreness from breastfeeding to massive problems where I couldn't walk. It got better over the last year or so, but was still an issue. And in the last 5-6 weeks, it's gotten really bad again. I emailed the doctor, went to see a doctor, had xrays, went to a back care class and today saw a physical therapist. Later today, I am going to pick up some steroids, which might, as the doctor said, "make me feel like I am going crazy". I told him it was fine as long as I am not in massive pain. I go to physical therapy again on Thursday, then next week, I see a specialist in the spine clinic who will hopefully order MRI and give me all manner of drugs and shots that are suppose to help.

With the exception of the adoption and infertility processes, this is the most frustration thing I've ever been through. To be in pain all the time with no real reason and no real end in sight...sucks.

Amazingly, it doesn't hurt during or after running (had no problems with half marathon). But since my doctor told me not to run, I'm trying to lay off exercise for a bit so I can say, "I've done everything you've told me to do."

Anyway, we'll see how I feel (crazy or not) tomorrow after the steroids kick in.

1 comment:

Kika said...

sooo sorry Rachel, chronic pain sucks!