Saturday, June 27, 2009


Parker got sick again today. Was fine yesterday, but today was miserable. Crying all day. Just lying on the couch. It was very, very sad. I took the girls to the lake and they had a wonderful time until it was time to leave when they both melted down completely. Good times.

Back at home, I started feeling sick. Achy, chilly, pressure in my head. Michael wasn't feeling too hot either, so we took turns being pathetic. It was so bad, that when I went to the store to get more motrin for Parker, I picked up a $5 pizza and the kids ate it on a picnic blanket in the living room for dinner while Michael and I sat on the couch watching 40 year old virgin. I kept suggesting we turn the channel when some inappropriate scenes came on, but Michael thought the kids wouldn't pick up any of it. Then there was a scene when Steve Carrell is doing magic tricks and pulls a fake ear off of a little girl. Elizabeth says, "That guy pulled somebody's ear off." Oh shit. Good thing we didn't watch the condom scene.

When it came time for bedtime, neither of us wanted to deal with it, so around 7pm we finally decided to get moving on and then discovered Elizabeth's blanket was missing. 40 minutes later, he found it and we got the kids to sleep at 8pm.

What a pitiful afternoon.


Kika said...

oh no that's terrible! hope you all feel better soon! and oh no we spent the past 2 days with you...hope we don't come down with it :)

Amity said...

Hope you guys are feeling better, I know it's a bummer and very tough when both of you get sick at the same time. Hopefully the girls don't get it too!

Val said...

Two sick parents at the same time is pure hell - nothing worse. That's when having a third parent is handy