Wednesday, October 06, 2010


At lunch today...

Elizabeth: Mommy, chicken is just like chicken the animal.

Me: Chicken is chicken the animal. You are eating a chicken.

Elizabeth (looking puzzled): So chicken and chicken are the same?

Me: Yes. (Fully expecting massive hysteria and crying and converting to veganism on the spot).

Elizabeth: I sure do love chicken. Yum.


Kathleen said...

This made me laugh! Thanks, Elizabeth!

Kika said...

Weird, I just had the same conversation. Aidan actually figured it out and asked "You mean this chicken (our dinner) is like the chickens across the street at Robin's?" I straight forward, "yes the same chicken" secretly freaking out since they really like the chickens across the street, but they all just shrugged their shoulders and kept on eating. Left me stunned.