Friday, October 15, 2010

Elizabeth is so fucking mean.

Elizabeth is mean on a daily basis. Usually two or three unsolicited, unprovoked, undeserved mean periods per day. Some days I can blow it off and rationalize that she is just four, tired and doesn't "mean" (pun intended) anything by it. But on other days, like this morning, it just kills me.

Elizabeth and Parker were having breakfast at the table. Miranda came in. She immediately started whining... "it's coldddddddddd" (which it was not). I channeled my mother and said, "Put on a sweater." Then she pointed to the open window and said, "But I want thaaaatttttt window closed." My gut was to tell her to shove it, but I said ok and closed the window.

She continued to have breakfast. Parker finished. I told Elizabeth whose hair had literally become crunchy, that she needed to take a bath this morning. I went into the bathroom, took a 3 minute shower myself and then filled the tub. Elizabeth came in and hopped in the bath.

Back in the kitchen, Miranda is crying at the table. "What's wrong Miranda?"

"Elizabeth opened the window again!"

Back to Elizabeth, "Elizabeth, why did you open the window again when Miranda said she was cold AND don't say I don't know." (Elizabeth says I don't know to EVERYTHING these days. Why did you kick your sister? I don't know. Why did you pull Zeke's tail. I don't know. Why did you knock down Parker's tower?)

She said, "I was hot." Which would have been a reasonable answer HAD SHE NOT LEFT THE KITCHEN IMMEDIATELY AFTER OPENING IT.

Now sure, Miranda doesn't need to sit there and cry into her cereal bowl about the window being open a crack, but I've got to come up with some way to get Elizabeth to stop this bullshit.

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