Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Eli gets deep.

Eli (at the dinner table): Mommy, how did the very first person get alive?

Me: What do you mean?

Eli: If the first person didn't have a mommy or daddy, how did they get planted?

Me: That's a good question. People believe different things. And there are two main answers.

Michael (eye rolling and snotty comment about how really there is only one explanation...)

Me: Some people believe that people were animals a long, long time ago and slowly changed into human beings. Like first they were a bug and then changed to a frog and then something bigger and then like a monkey and then a bigger ape and then us.

Eli: Seriously?

Me: And some people believe that there is someone named God who created the first man and woman.

Eli: But how did he do it?

Me: He just did.

Eli: But where did he come from if he didn't have a mommy or daddy?

Me: Another good question.

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