Thursday, June 21, 2012

Drop Off

And in the long list of ways the girls are different than Parker...

They are all in camp this week.  The girls are doing 1st grade camp which is a 9-12 summer school type class learning about bugs.  They seem to like it.  Parker is in a basketball camp with other 6, 7, and 8 year olds.  He is really enjoying it and learning tons of new stuff.  His is 9-2.

Drop off for both is at 9.  They are only 2 blocks apart so the first day, I took the girls early and then walked Parker down to his camp which is at the middle school, down some steps, across a path, down more steps and into a fairly unmarked gym.   I told him to pay attention because he would most likely do it on his own on the other days.

The second day, I pulled up in the loading zone because I couldn't find any parking, left Parker in the car and walked the girls in.  Then I drove around, found parking almost as far as we had been at the other drop off, and walked him down.  He wasn't ready to do it on his own.

On the third day, I dropped the girls off at another loading zone and they confidently walked to their class on their own.  Then I drove Parker around to his class, found parking, asked him if he was ready to do it on his own (NO!) and walked him down.  After that, worried the girls didn't make it, I snuck around to their class to make sure they were actually in it.

Today, the fourth day, the girls said, "We dont' need you to walk us to the class. Don't park.  Just drop us off?"  But Parker, still a little nervous about the whole situation even on his last day, wasn't sure about where he was suppose to go.  I pulled up next to the stairs and said "See it?"  He said, "No."  I got a big closer and said, "See it?"  He said, "Oh yeah." I asked, "Do you think you can find it?"  "Um, I think so."  "Follow the kids with the basketballs, don't trible on the stairs, and don't forget to check in."  And then off he went.

Now, I'm wondering if I should drive back up there to make sure he made it to the gym.

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