Thursday, June 07, 2012

Two differences

I got Parker some new shorts yesterday. He calls them PE shorts because they like workout shorts. He likes them. He saw them in his room, came downstairs and said, "what are those shorts in my room?" I said they were his and I got them for him. He smiled really big and said, "Oh thank you mommy!" and then gave me a big hug.

When I give stuff to the girls, they look at it and say, "I did't want that color." or "Why did she get that one and I didn't?"  Or something equally as rude and ungrateful.


Today, the kids were getting ready for the pool. Elizabeth and Miranda got their own towels, snacks, clothes, goggle, etc.   I gave Parker his swim bag and his bathing suit and asked if he was going to get dressed here or there. He said here and went upstairs. He didn't come down. I yelled up, What's going on?!??!  He said, "I can't find my bathing suit! It isn't in the bag!" I told him he was holding it in his hand when he went upstairs.  Sheesh.

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