Saturday, June 23, 2012

Piedmont Babysitting Co-op

We joined the piedmont babysitting co-op and used it for the second time tonight.  Kids went to my friend Christine's house who lives up on Wildwood. She is the one that invited us to join it (it's invite only).  She has a boy in the girls' class and two older ones.  Another family with a boy in Parker's grade was there too.  Michael and I went to Alameda for Mexican food and a Wes Anderson movie, but it was sold out so we came back to Oakland for a sci fi movie that seems just like Aliens to me but without the excitement.  We picked everyone up at 9:45 and Parker was long asleep. Girls were awake and relatively happy. We shuttled them all off to the car and then home and into bed.  If they wake up at 6am, I'm gonna be pissed.

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