Monday, June 18, 2012


A long while back, Ebba told me about a place she has camped called Pinecrest. I didn't know more about it...whether it was a town, campground, area, forest, etc.  So I googled it, found a campground and booked it.  Seven months ago.  We went this past weekend and coincidentally, Ebba and her family were there too.  At the same campground. At the site across the road.  It was crazy.  We could not have planned it better.

The campground was great.  Big sites with lots of trees.  Super bike riding for the kids.  Lovely lake for splashing in and fishing in.  Delightful general store.  Decent bathrooms.  And not too many bugs.  The people were a shall we say...low class blaring their music and being drunk at all hours, but overall it was still damn good.  We even took a boat ride on Sunday before packing up.  

Aidan came with us and he was a fantastic guest. I wished my kids were as nice as he was.

I didn't take many pics but I took a ton with Ebba's camera so when she gets back, I'll post more.

Eating Breakfast.

Parker says Trix are for kids!

Miranda is koo koo for coco puffs.

Happy by the fire.

Michael pointing out how close we were to Ebba.  See their van?

The coffee hut where I got Michael a much needed latte after a lame-ass sleep situation.

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