Saturday, September 08, 2007


Rachel had an all-day event today, so I had the kids all to myself. After the girls had their morning nap we played a bit in their room, while we changed diapers and got dressed.

Both of the girls were in good spirits, despite being a bit under the weather and conjested.

Elizabeth practiced her standing.

Parker practiced standing up on the furniture.

And Miranda practiced getting into trouble in the other room.

We went to the park, and happened to meet two other families with young twins, including one mother who had done one of Rachel's twin things, and knew the girls. One of the families had kids in the same configuration as ours, but 8 months behind us. I was the only lone parent among the group, and also the only male, and also the only heterosexual.

It was slightly unnerving at the park to sit with Elizabeth and Miranda while watching Parker play in the distance, but he did fine. He met up with some other ~3 year old boys, and they ran that park one end to the other. At one point, while I was pushing the girls on the swing, I heard Parker say to one of the boys, "I'm P-a-r-k-e-r, not M-i-r-a-n-d-a."

I did not take a camera to the park.

After good naps, the girls played the game in the dining room where they crawl around the legs of the table, which gave way to the game where they climb on Dad, both of which I caught a bit of on video.

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