Thursday, September 20, 2007

They said this would happen...

When the girls were in me, Twin A (Elizabeth) was a trouble maker. She would kick Twin B (Miranda) all the time. Miranda would just lay there quietly and Elizabeth would kick the crap out of her. We even saw this on ultrasounds.

But when they were born, Elizabeth was mellow as can be. She always sat there quietly minding her own business. She only cried when she wanted to sleep or eat. Miranda, on the other hand, was a complete trouble maker. She would cry for no reason, demand attention, and generally act unpleasantly. I even asked the doctors if they took out Twin B first by mistake because surely, Elizabeth, that sweet little thing, could not have been the one kicking up a storm in there.

But all makes sense. Elizabeth is a brute. A trouble maker. And a biter. She will take away any toy Parker or Miranda are playing with. She will grab pacifier, bottles, and anything else she can away from Miranda. And when she is pissed off, which is more frequent these days, she throws her head back and rolls on the floor. Like she is a 2 year old having a tantrum. It's quite a show. And when she oh man...she cries LOUDLY. Screaming would be more accurate. Today, at their own year check up, she screamed the entire time. It was joyous to be in a tiny exam room with two nakes babies waiting for the doctor with her screaming. Just great.

And Miranda will sit by herself, happy as a clam, playing with toys, looking at the scenery or trying to stand up as seen below. It's only when Elizabeth crawls over to take away her toy that she pitches a fit.

They said the girls would flip flop personalities at some point and so that point most have happened already. Unless...they flip flop again...

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