Friday, September 07, 2007

Ferry Ride

Today Parker and I took the ferry to SF. I thought it would be another good adventure that I couldn't manage with all three, but that Parker would dig. He did enjoy the ship, but found the trolley (which was totally packed) from the Ferry Building to Pier 39, icky. "I don't like the trolley."

Since he seemed to have the most fun going up the escalator and crawling underneath the railing on the bench (rather than looking at alcatraz), I'm thinking I need to scale back my adventures.

By the way, if you haven't seen the sea lions at Fishermans Wharf before, you really are missing something. You could watch them for hours.

I couldn't help take pictures of these pigeons. They were hovering around us due to the popcorn. I thought it was so odd that they both had one mutant foot. Were they related? Both involved in some popcorn getting accident?

We headed back to the boat (ship?) and took the quick trip home. It was then that I rememberd how lucky I am to be living here with views like this around me all the time. (Well...not all the time, but when I happen to be floating in the Bay.)

Parker borrowed the camera at one point and took these great pictures.

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