Tuesday, September 25, 2007

So sad.

Today, I was prepping Parker for our trip this weekend. We are going to Santa Monica on Saturday for my 20th High School Reunion and Aunt Lori (god bless her) is staying here with the kids. So I was telling Parker...

"Mommy and Daddy are going to go on a trip." (He understand trip since mommy went on one to Utah.)

"We are going to fly on a airplane on Saturday and come home the next day." (He loves to hear about flying away on airplanes...Faster, Faster, Take off!)

"Aunt Lori will stay with Parker, Elizabeth, Miranda, and Zeke and take care of all of you." (He LOVES Aunt Lori.)

Then he says, "And Noe too?" looking at me confused. "Will Aunt Lori take care of Noe too?"

I figured this was going to come up at some point so Michael and I discussed what we should say. Unfortuately, we didn't quite nail it down.

So I say, "Noe got sick and went to the Doctor. She went 'bye-bye' and doesn't live here anymore."

Not sure if he understood that, but he didn't bring it up again.

So sad.

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