Sunday, September 23, 2007

Tinker Toys

Jenna gave Parker a set of Tinker Toys, and while Rachel and the girls were at music class this morning, Parker and I took the opportunity to bust them out. We keep them away from the girls because of the whole death-by-choking thing, so this was the first time Parker and I have spent messing around with them.

First we made a plane, and then we made a swingset. And when I say we, I mean I.

When I first asked Parker what we should make, he asked for a Triangle, a Square and a Circle. I thought that was aiming a bit low, and figured he would enjoy taking the Tinks out for a real spin, hence the plane and the swingset. He seemed happy enough to play with the swingset, but he may have been just humoring me.

Left to his own devices, Parker sees the Tinker Toy set as a chance to make letters, numbers, and lately plus, minus, and equals signs. Kid has a one-track mind sometimes, but it's hard to hold that against him when he says things like, "I made a Big T all by myself!"

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