Thursday, September 06, 2007

New Top

I took the kids the 4th Street today. We went to Cody's books where I finally broke down and bought Chicka Chick (boom boom and 1-2-3) since we had checked them out of the library every week for the last 6 months. I also picked up Ticki Ticki Tembo and where the Wild Things Are. They have a little stage for the kids to play on that is the Good Night Moon Set. After that, we went to a near by Toy Store where Parker bee-lined it to this top. It's kinda of cheater top in that it can stand on it's own. Parker loves it. As did Elizabeth

After naps, we went to the local park where there used to be tons of riding and walking toys. Apparently some neighbor complained and they all got hauled off. The girls snacked while Parker dribbled.

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