Friday, March 28, 2008

Adventure City

On Friday, Dana (a friend from home that moved to LA) and I took the boys (Parker, Peter, Callan and Aidan- Oliver was sick) to Adventure City. It's a tiny amusement park for tiny kids near Disneyland. Amy said it was good because the kids could go on all the rides and there were no lines.

She didn't factor in the spring break field trip component which resulted in long lines on all rides most of the day. I seemed to be the only one annoyed by the whole thing. The boys had a great time.

I was exceptionally pleased that Peter counted as a "responsible companion" to ensure Parker followed the rules which allowed me to sit on the bench and watch them rather than get sick and ride with them. Peter was a very kind older cousin and took good care of Parker.

At the very end, we all stopped to see the turtle.

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