Saturday, March 01, 2008


We took Parker to a preschool observation today. The school wants to observe the children before they decide who to accept. This was after tour and parent interview. For preschool! I figured we would be allowed to be there since they wouldn't possibly take a 3 year old away from parents to hang out with strangers. But...they did. Luckily, a friend of Parker's was there too so he had someone he could hang out with. It's a Spanish immersion preschool so they only spoke Spanish during the observation time. From the room we were waiting in, I kept listening to see if I could familiar screams. But I heard nothing. In fact, when one of the teachers walked him back to our room after the hour was up, she brought along 3 pieces of paper. (Each child had at least one. With scribbles. Or whatever a three year old could draw.) But not Parker. He wrote the numbers out on one piece. On another he wrote his name embedded in a 3 and didn't bother to write the R twice since he wrote his name in such a way that only one R was needed. The teacher said,

"He had fun. He's very smart."

No shit, lady.

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