Thursday, March 13, 2008

New Playplace

After an excursion to the Lakeshore Learning outlet* (always a risk!) this morning, we ran across a new playplace. So we went in to give it a try. It was nice and clean, as well as big with many highchairs. They also had a toddler area on the ground. And cool computers with touch screens. But it was also open (no door to the eating area) and the girls could actually climb the structure (not good). Parker was afraid to come down the slide and even bribes of lollypops were not sufficient to make him conquer his fears. Another set of twins were there (5 year olds). The mom asked me who was older. Which I still find such a bizarre question (especially from a twin mom.) Then she told me I was brave as she didn't venture out alone until her girls were 4. I didn't mention I had another child and this outing was incredibly tame compared to what I normally do. No need to brag.

And more evidence Lincoln may in fact be right.

*Parker wasn't thrilled about going to "a store", but when he saw it was Lakeshore Learning, filled with all manner of toys, numbers and letters, he was pretty stoked. He immediately asked to get something. Since there was a 99 cents bin, I said sure. But then he got specific. He wanted numbers. 100 numbers. 1-10 or even 1-20 was not going to cut it with him. I kept showing him number toy after number toy and none satisfied. So I asked a guy there if there were any toys with numbers 1-100. He though there was and went to check. Meanwhile, another guy came out and suggested a few other things. A bucket of 100 toy fruit to count and other such nonsense. I told him, No, he needs to see the actual numbers. Alas, we were SOL and I had to break the news to Parker, who became pretty much hysterical. I told him we could go home with nothing or get these number stacking unit things that he calls Quidgets. After a couple starts to the door empty handed, he calmed down and we bought our stuff and left. (I had gone there to get some of the little pitchers that preschools use so kids can pour their own drinks. Which they had plenty of.)

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