Saturday, March 08, 2008

Snow Day

Michael and I took the kids to the snow today. Sure, it was about 6 hours of driving for about an hour and a half of fun, but I think it was totally worth it. I had borrowed everything from the clothing and boots to the gloves and sleds. We only purchased sun glasses and that was a last minute decision on the way out of town. The kids were cranky on the way up, so we stopped at a parking lot and let them run around a bit.

I started to get worried that our drive would be for naught as there was no snow to be seen anywhere. But then, I saw some. And some more. And even more. Soon it was everywhere. Parker was so excited as we had been prepping him for this trip for about a week, reading books about snow men and sledding. I was so happy that everything was working out so well and then we were told the snow park we were headed to was full. I was distraught. I thought our fun was already over. Michael told me to remain calm...all would be well. He was right. There was another sledding area five miles down the road. And this one was free!

Getting everyone dressed when we arrived was challenging, but they were all so friggin cute, we forgot what a pain it was.

Surprisingly, the girls kept their sunglasses on for a long time.

But then got annoyed with them and took them off.

Parker and Miranda touch the snow for the first time.

Miranda even had the hip snow boarding hat on.

The girls spent a good deal of time fussing and complaining about either the hot or cold or something else. They hung out on our laps a lot.

Elizabeth kept pointing to the hill so I asked her if she wanted to go sledding. She said "Dah", which is Yes for Miranda and Elizabeth. So we went.

Parker and Daddy trudge back up the hill. Parker was slipping and sliding everywhere, but he was having so much fun. He was humming and singing the whole time. Smiling and jumping about. It was damn cute.

But after a while, even he had had enough and asked to be "all done." So we got every dry, packed them back in the car and drove home. Daddy, Elizabeth and Parker all fell asleep on the way home. But Miranda kept me company singing and laughing the whole way. I look forward to next year!

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