Saturday, November 14, 2009

A bad idea.

Yesterday, while I was practicing the art of sitting around (something I have been working on lately), Parker said, "Can we go on a walk around the block?" What a great idea! Everyone put on their shoes (and their halloween costumes for some reason) and we were off. We made it one house down and Parker started screaming. Something poked him. I thought it was a bee sting, but then he said, he grabbed the rose bush. Not so smart, dude. So we went back home, I plucked out the thorns, put on some bandaids and we were off again.

Everyone was in great moods, running and playing with eachother. Stopping at corners to wait for me. People stopping their cars to see the cute kids in their cute costumes. It was all very sweet.

Then Miranda and Parker got a little far away and I yelled at them to come back a bit. Parker ran down the street towards us. Miranda ran down the street and fell smack dab on her face. God damn it. Blood everywhere. I carried her home before I realized it could be a chipped tooth. I checked it out and no, it wasn't. Just a big fat lip. And man, was she upset. She wasn't just crying. She was bawling. Shaking. Like her world was about to end. I sat with her for a good long time. She would calm down for a bit and then remember how much it hurt and start crying again. She couldn't eat dinner and I had to sleep with her last night.

This morning, same deal. No food, bouts of crying when she remembers, and a giant, fat lip.

Poor girl.

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