Sunday, November 15, 2009

Our Sunday morning.

Michael and I took the kids to SF today. I took Parker there on Bart this past week just for fun and he wanted to go back to look at the high tower (big office buildings) with daddy. So we went over on the ferry. (As we were walking toward it, I said, "Ah, man, we forgot our camera." Michael said, "We'll just have to remember our adventure the old fashion way." I said, "By buying a Kodak disposable one?" He said, "No by using my iPhone.")

The ferry ride over was good. We got off at the ferry building, walked to the high tower. He actually wanted to go up this one office building, but I got confused and we went up the Hyatt Regency instead. With glass elevators and tons of christmas lights, the kids were pretty damn happy about that and luckily Parker didn't notice the "tall tower" outside.

After going up and down a few times, we took the trolley to Pier 39 to see the sea lions per Miranda's request. The kids all wanted to do this jumpy bungee thing I let them do when we come here, but there was a long line so we skipped it much to their dismay. The sea lions were as cute as ever. We had a touristy lunch while watching them and then went back to the ferry. On the way back, Miranda remembered she hadn't gone on the jumpy thing and freaked out. Lots of screaming and crying ensued. Michael took Elizabeth and Parker and I stayed with Miranda until she pulled it together.

Apparently some time between the freak out and getting to the ferry, Parker ran his hand along the pier and got a finger full of splinters. He was pretty upset. In fact, he pretty much screamed and cried the entire way home on the ferry only calming down at the very end. Although we felt bad, it was exhausting to listen to him and deal with it.

By the time we got home and Michael got the splinters out, I was beat and took a nap. Michael not only played with the kids for the next two hours, but cleaned the house too. A good end to a not terribly successful morning.

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