Sunday, September 18, 2011

Girls Parties Thanks

The girls' parties are over and I'm sure I'll blog about them more soon. But for now, just wanted to put some thanks out there.

First and foremost to Michael, who, with only one small exception, was a rock this weekend, doing whatever was needed. Move tables? Absolutely! Get coffee? No problem! Pick up flowers and dirt for flower pots? Yes! Deal with annoyingly late face painter. You got it! (We almost both lost it when we drove to Alameda to get the cakes and hit traffic, idiot drivers and moronic bakery personnel.) He cleaned up, prepared foods, blew up balloons, talked with parents, took videos, and dealt with tired girls. We were a good team this weekend which was really nice.

Louise was also a huge help. She set stuff up, kept calm when we realized I forgot the paint for the painting party, cleaned up, and continually looked when the kids said, "Grammy watch this!"

Ebba and Susan let me borrow tables and chairs which made the painting party possible. Those two would walk through fire for me, so cleaning up after a little party and bringing over furniture is a no-brainer. Thanks ladies.

Parker did an excellent job of letting his sisters get all the attention this weekend. He sort of stole the pogo stick that Ebba gave the girls, but otherwise did really well letting them have their moment.

Val, for hanging out after party number 1, and for always being there on special days no matter how far away she lives.

Thanks to Kika for letting me take her crying child away from her so she could go have brunch. It takes a strong mama to see her kid so upset and then go enjoy a brunch. Thanks for having the trust in me that I could handle it. And handle it I did with a little help from Angry birds.

To all the moms and dads who brought their kids on both days so my girls wouldn't be sad. Jenna, Lucy, Susan, Ebba, Lori/Scott, Leigh, Ashley and Alex, Becky, and Sapna. Your transport and efforts were much appreciated.

And thanks to almost everyone for respecting the no presents rule. Between family and close friends, the girls got everything they could have ever wanted anyway.

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