Friday, September 16, 2011

Gotta Sing!

After repeated and persistent requests to take a singing class, I signed up Miranda for the Piedmont Community Children's Choir. They have a "kinder" class once a week. At first I thought the coordination between Parker's swim team practice and this class would be too challenging, but then I realized the class was across the street from the pool and it would work out perfectly. Drop off Parker, see him get into the pool successfully, walk Miranda to rehearsal, go back to pick up Parker (only 30 minute practice), walk back to get Miranda (hers goes for an hour.) Yesterday, I was lucky and Ashley hung out with Elizabeth for most of this. But she came at the end to watch Miranda and started singing along in her chair. Since she is only doing one class (I'm allowing two extracurricular activities each), I asked her if she wanted to take singing too. She said yes. I told her I would ask her again in a few days and to really think about it.

Miranda really seemed to enjoy it. There were 13 kids her age (not all white!) and one highly animated teacher who used a kitty cat puppet, one pianist and one assistant. Miranda was pretty quiet in the class but then afterwards was back to her broadway musical showtune voice to show me what they sang when I was with Parker at the pool.


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