Friday, September 02, 2011

Parker's Math Teacher

Parker came home today and after a while told me that "his math teacher worked with him today". I said "Oh really? Tell me more." So he did.

Apparently, the math resource specialist came to get him in the morning and took him out of the class for about a half hour. She had him do addition, subtraction, multiplication and fractions. He also told her that he liked exponents and decimals, but they didn't get to those today. She asked him questions about addition (how he thought about problems) and helped him learn how to determine how many pizza pieces each kids would get in some word problem about fractions.

I asked him some questions.

"Did you have fun?" "Yes."

"Were there other kids with you?" "No."

"Do you know why you did this today?" "Cause I'm the best in math."

"Do you want to work with Nancy again?" "Yes, I can't wait."

1 comment:


YAY! I'm so excited for Parker! I hope he doesn't outgrow her too quickly!