Monday, September 05, 2011

Laying Low

Everyone needed a lay low weekend so that is what we did for this three day weekend.

Saturday, I watched the end of My Fair Lady with the girls and then watched Black Stallion with Miranda. Then I took Elizabeth bed shopping where I got a new king size mattress and frame. My mattress is about 15 years old and creaky as all hell. I figured if I was getting a new one, I would get a bigger one. He showed me mattresses for $4000 and I truly didn't understand what he was saying. What could cost that much for a mattress? Needless to say I left with a much cheaper one. Can't wait until it arrives. Michael took Parker and Miranda to mini golf so Elizabeth and I had sushi for lunch. That girl loves her sushi. After a quick stop at the local park, we went home and stayed there the rest of the day.

Before: Unagi, rock and roll, avocado roll

After. Member of clean sushi plate club.

On Sunday, I ran 9 miles in preparation for next half marathon in October and then just hung at home the rest of the day. I was tired. The kids played pretty well most of the day.

Today, I was still pretty tired but Parker wanted to see his friend Aidan, so we met up with him and his family at the Zoo. Then home for Parker's piano lesson and I took a nap. Michael took the kids to park and when I woke up I went shopping for food. Apparently every other person in Oakland had the same idea and was at Trader Joes.

Back to school tomorrow. Elizabeth gets back to gymnastics Wednesday and it goes for an hour and a half now and Parker starts his swim team on Thursday. Miranda is going to take a Clay class with a friend. I've volunteered for a few things at the school so we'll see how that all goes this week too.

And life goes on...

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