Monday, December 03, 2007

Bay Street

After naps today (which sucked by the way...lots of screaming by Miranda and not sleeping by Parker...but I won't get into that), I took the kids to Bay Street. Bay Street is a now not so new shopping area in Emeryville. They have shops, food, movie theatres, bookstores, and all that. It's all very corporate America with Gaps and Wanabe High End Chain Restaurants like PF Changs. It's always crowded, but for some reason, it is the place to go. I always wonder where everyone went before it existed, but I digress.

After a quick stop at Old Navy, I let the kids run around in this little courtyard. They had a great time and generally stuck together, which I appreciated. After about 20 minutes or so, Elizabeth decided she needed to see more of the mall and took off (You can see the start of this in the last picture.) I got her back before she went too far, but by then Miranda had wandered into some candy store and Parker was yelling, "Miranda, come back! Come back!" And she did.

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