Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I need apples.

This morning, I was hanging out with the girls. They had each brought me a book and I was reading to them. First was Chicka Chicka Boom Boom for Elizabeth and then That's not my train for Miranda. Parker was upstairs, but clearly listening to what was going on down stairs. He yelled down, "I wanna read Chicka Chick 1-2-3." I shouted back, "I'm reading to the girls right now. You'll have to find it yourself."

Soon enough, he was reading Chicka Chicka 1-2-3 to himself. A bit later, he shouted down that he needed apples. Huh? So I went to see what he was doing. He wasn't reading Chicka Chicka 1-2-3, he was acting it out with his numbers and Lion as the Apple Tree. He said he needed apples for the apple tree. I wasn't sure what he meant so I tried to think of something that looked like apples. Nothing came to mind so I told him we didn't have any apples and I was sorry. He looked devastated. Meanwhile, Miranda and Elizabeth were getting into something, fighting as they went. I took a breath and did the only thing I could think of: I thought, What would Amy do? She would of course, hand knit or sew some realistic felt apples, bake some apple tarts or something equally as crafty. So I did a lower key, easier option. I drew some apples on a piece of cardboard, cut them out and handed them to Parker who was thrilled and placed them nicely on his tree. Then I went back to the dynamic duo.

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