Tuesday, December 18, 2007


One of my main worries about having twins was how to handle the bedtime routine. With Parker, we would give him a bath and get him dressed in jammies. Then he would sit on our lap and we would read 3-5 books. This always soothed him and after a song or two, he generally went right to sleep after that. We started this routine when he was quite young...probably 6 or 7 months.

With the girls, we give them a bath every other night, get them dressed, give them milk, and practically throw them into bed. Sure, we feel kinda bad about it, but since they go to sleep earlier and we still have dinner to make and eat, Parker to deal with and clean up to do, a 30 minute routine is out of the question with them.

So, tonight when I saw Michael sitting with them both reading to them, it warmed my heart. So sweet! It was only later that he told me that despite appearances, this routine was not good. Reading to the girls gets them all excited and anxious as they want to hold the book, turn the pages, and fight with one another. We'll have to keep trying...

1 comment:

Lori said...

It appears to me the system you use now works just fine. They might not go straight to sleep, but they don't take too long unless something is wrong, right? I could see Miranda getting into the books before bed routine by herself, but Elizabeth, not so much. It is a great picture though!