Tuesday, December 11, 2007

TBB Holiday Party

Parker and I went to the TBB (Twins By the Bay) Holiday Party today. It was a nice, informal shindig with finger foods, tunnels for little kids, and art projects for the bigger ones.

Santa even showed up!

I brought some treats from Whole Foods and Parker had several of them which left him completely wired when we got back home.

Parker was sitting at the art table with other 3 year olds drawing letters and numbers and a mother asked...how old is he? I said proudly 3 on Friday! She said, "Do you know he is doing math?" I said, "Yup...has he written his name yet?" She showed me her kids art which was basically a bunch of scribbles. She asked if I was going to put him in a gifted program. I just sighed and said, No. Then I got him interested in making a bag with stickers. Yeah...no numbers!

Despite all this fun, Parker just wanted to go outside to go on the slide. So we did and then left.

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