Sunday, December 02, 2007

The big apple

Parker wanted a snack today, so I offered him some apple, and he gladly accepted. However, when I went to cut it up, he let me know in his charmingly emphatic way that he wanted the whole apple.

Okay then.

At first he didn't seem to mind that the apple was almost bigger than his head.

But he wasn't able to get a really good bite out of it.

So he eventually saw that his eyes had been bigger than his stomach, or his mouth, and so he asked me to cut it up. Which I was happy to do. (And no, we don't skimp on presentation around here.)

Although primarily intended to facilitate eating, this apple cutting method also facilitates the making of letters.

It's amazing how many unrelated activities are transformed into letter and number games once Parker gets involved.

Still, he was hungry, and one good thing about edible letters is that they are delicious.

Of course, eating his apple slices didn't stop him from making letter shapes straight to the end. ("It looks like an E, daddy.")

But eventually, all things do come to an end, including apple snacks.

Meanwhile, in the other room, Miranda was honing her daredevil credentials by teaching herself to climb up on the green chair and jump like it's a trampoline. Yeah, she probably won't get hurt.

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