Tuesday, March 11, 2008


An avid blog reader recently said that the level of cuteness here was hard to take and that she would appreciate more unpleasant news. So, for you little Amy, here it is.

After a night out with some old friends, I slept in the back house. Apparently it was a good choice since Parker was up screaming for hours about some pain in his neck and Miranda decided after three nights of sleeping straight through, that she too would start yelling.

Michael told me all this when I came in the house and just moments later he had to leave. The crying and screaming bascially continued. Parker was holding his neck sobbing and screaming. Miranda was hysterical unless I was holding her which was pretty much impossible to do since I was dealing with Parker. Miranda kept putting her hand in her mouth, so my guess was that she had some teeth coming in (also makes sense since Eli just got some more too.) So I dosed them up with motrin and hoped for the best.

The best, I did not get. In fact, the screaming and crying was so bad, I put the girls in their cribs (oh yeah, did I mention Elizabeth joined in too?) multiple times just so I could deal with Parker.

I got him settled in front of the TV so I could call the doctor. Just mentioning the word doctor sent him over the edge again. I got an appointment for later in the morning and emailed Michael to see if he could help. There was no way in hell I was going alone with all this going on. Luckily he could so I counted the minutes until he arrived home.

Where there were brief moments of non crying/screaming, the girls decided that sitting on the dining room table and standing on the coffee table was a great idea. So while I was getting everyone dressed, I was simultaneously asking, pleading and then screaming at them to get down. Nothing worked. I think we just have remove all furntiture from the house at this point.

Anyway...Michael got home, took Parker and we left (for a pre-planned event...that I planned). Two hours later we were all back and Parker had a neck brace on. It was the most pathetic thing I have ever seen. Nothing serious, thank god. Just a crick in this neck that would go away.

After I got the girls down for naps, I went up to do the same with Parker. He couldn't sleep with the brace on, so I took him off which started the crying again. He asked to lie on top of me. I obliged and he fell asleep within 2 minutes. Poor little guy.

Anyway, it was one of the worst mornings of motherhood that I can recall. I wanted to run screaming from the house. I tried to remember a time when I didn't and couldn't have kids. I wanted to die.

Now...all is quiet. Shortly they will wake up. God only knows what is in store for me then.


Lori said...

I am fully aware of what we don't see here on this blog, anyone who has had children has asked, why did I want this? Remind me, please! I just want you to know how much I appreciate your honesty, for I have felt your pain and honestly, would rather not relive it, once is quite enough thank you. I am ever impressed that despite the occasional madness, you take time every single day to notice all the cuteness and share it with the rest of us. You have a morning like that and do not hide under the covers with the kids in front of the tv, you take them to some amazing play place and let your son fall asleep on your chest. You are the sh** man, a really great mom. I love you for that. Thank you.

Ebba said...

Hell is too pleasant a word for what you went through. Francis just said, "Hell is a nice warm vacation compared to a morning like that."