Wednesday, August 20, 2008

And in other news...

Parker today announced that his favorite number is 42. This is the first time he has said anything was his favorite anything.

And speaking of numbers, Parker seems to know which letter is which in numerical order in the alphabet. He told me the other that 'that' letter was 12 and I had no idea what he was talking about. I thought he was just being silly. But when I thought about it more, I figured out it was letter L.

If you ask Parker how old Mommy will be when Parker is 38, he says, "dead." I think it's hilarious, but others are not as amused.

Miranda, for the first time in over 3 weeks, went to sleep on her own today for naps. I started patting her back and she took my hand and shoved it away. Then she turned over and was asleep 8 minutes later.

Miranda fell off the bed this morning. The kids were all playing in our bedroom over the covers and then I heard a big thud followed by "whaaaaaaa!". Miranda was on the floor and Parker said, "There were three in the bed, one fell off and bumped her head!" I was laughing, but Miranda was not.

Elizabeth has taken to going up stairs to go poop. She sneaks away, goes poop in her undies and then announces it from the top of the stairs. It's been over 6 weeks since we started potty training her and still, it's just not happening with the poops. Miranda, on the other hand, sat on the potty today on her own (I've given up with her until later) and she pooped. Whatever.

The girls still call cats YaYas. They call pigs, pigs. Horse, horses. But cats are YaYa. Both of them. Must be a twin thing.

I guess that is enough random stuff today.

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