Monday, August 04, 2008

Right vs Wrong

Parker is starting to be able to tell right from wrong. And demand right. A few examples:

As a way to try to get the girls to go to sleep and stay asleep, we busted out the "special cereal" (something that worked great with Parker) and promised bowlfuls if they went to bed easy and stayed in bed. It hasn't worked at all and they seem not to care. Parker on the other hand has been a real trooper about the whole sleeping thing so he is generally getting a small bowl every morning. The other day after once again sleeping all night long, Michael offered him so special cereal (aka fruit loops). He said, "No, I can't have any because I was talking to the girls last night."

Before naps yesterday I told Parker we could read three books. He picked out three, but when we finally got to the end of two, I told him we had to stop and go to sleep now. He looked at me and said, I wanna read this book. I told him again we ran out of time and had to stop. He again whined that he wanted to read another book. I repeated myself again and promised to read it later. Then he said, "Mommy, you said we could read THREE books?!?!" So we read the damn book.

Miranda was hysterical the other day about getting in the car. She wouldn't let us buckle her in without using a good amount of force and she kept screaming in her miranda/parker high pitched way. I wasn't about to start a nice family outing with that so I took her out of the seat and put her on the path to the house and said, "Ok, you can stay here." Then I got back into the car. Now, you know and I know I wouldn't have left her there, but Parker did not know that and became quite upset. He said, "I want Miranda to come with us!" I got out of the car, went around to her, asked her if she was ready to stop screaming and come with us and she said, "Yesh." Parker was relieved.

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