Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Ewww, gross!

After swim class today, we went to a park in Alameda. We got settled on a blanket in the shade for some snacks and Parker ran off to play. Then a big Alameda city truck came and completely blocked my view of Parker. I asked the worker if he would be a while and explained that I couldn't see my kid. He said no he was just dumping in some new sad. He got to work dumping, but since he was limping, it took a good long while. Luckily the girls wanted to play too, so off we went. We spent some time on the swing (where Parker is getting good at pumping himself) and by then the truck was gone and left was a giant pile of fresh sand. Or so we thought.

The kids (and one other boy that was playing with us) went over to check it out and they all fell on it happily. They did this several times before we noticed some small brown sand covered pieces in it. Upon closer inspection, we determined it was cat poop. Some damn cat had found the sand lot at the city of Alameda and gone to town. It was disgusting and we quickly got the kids playing with something else.

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