Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Conversation follow up. (Read post below first.)

In the car on the way home from picking up the girls from preschool...

Miranda: When I am an adult I'm going to drive in my baby daddy's car.

Me: Who is your baby daddy?

Miranda: My BABY DADDY!

Me: But who is he?

Parker: What is his name?

Miranda: His name is the same name as my daddy. It's Michael.

Miranda: Who is your daddy and Michael's daddy, Mommy?

Me: My daddy is Grandpa Tony. You remember him right? And Michael's daddy is Wilbur and he is dead.

Miranda: Did he eat a horse?


Jyllian said...


I hope that Parker is feeling better. If it's the same virus we've been fighting for 2+ weeks, it's pretty brutal (I wound up with bronchitis and L with pneumonia; happily, the boys fared better).

Val said...

You'll be sorry. YOU'LL BE DEAD!! What is that from???

Lori said...

Classic! I'll be repeating this story for life!