Monday, February 08, 2010

Poor Parker

Parker is sick today. Bad cough and low fever. Since my kids aren't used to staying home all day long, as we are doing today, everyone is slightly on edge (except me, actually who is doing quite well considering). Parker really wants to go ride his new scooter, but I won't let him since I kept him home from school and swim class and don't think he should go exert himself even if he is feeling better.

So I told him if he could not cough for 5 minutes, he could go ride the scooter. Since he has been coughing constantly, I was pretty safe. So he tries once. Coughs within 30 seconds. Tries again. 20 seconds. Tries again. 1 minutes. Tries again 20 seconds. Tries again 2 minutes. He starts crying and asking if he can try for 3 minutes. I tell him yes, but if he can't do it, we'll stop trying. He makes it about 40 seconds. Man, is he sad. As he is coughing up a lung, he is telling me how he is all better now. I hug him and tell him it sucks to be sick and I'm sorry.

Now he is watching Kipper and coughing up the other lung.

1 comment:

Val said...

He sounded pretty barky yesterday. I had a weird stomach thing at 12:30 this morning. Wasn't sure which end to put on the toilet. Hope E's party wasn't ground zero for illness!