Saturday, August 11, 2007

Daddy's Here!

Michael arrived yesterday. (Yay.)

We went to see Oliver's last day at sports camp stopping at Campos on the way. The babies sure did like those chips and guac!

Then back to Amy's house just two blocks away for some play time. Then home for naps. After naps we went to the Pier again and had a much more successful trip than last time. Parker enjoyed the airplane ride but never quite understood that he could go up high. Actually we think he did understand, but didn't desire to. Aunt Lori was with us and took some pics that hopefully we'll see later.

At dinner we decided to see a movie so Grandma Judy put Parker to sleep and we went to the Old Mall (3rd street promenade if you were born after 1975.) Michael said the Bourne Ultimatum was as good the second time as it was the first. I slept on the couch hoping to get a good night's sleep after 8 days sleeping in the same room as all three. I was only mildly successful.

This morning, we went out to Starbucks (there are only 4 in a 5 block walking distance from the house) and then to Roosevelt where everyone had a grand time. The twisty slide was especially delicious to all.

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