Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I'm a blog thief.

As my camera was still under the weather today, I'm "borrowing" these photos from a twim mom friend.

Our twin and siblings group met today. New member Gwen was there with her 2 year old twins and 7 month old baby. I actually met her before at the zoo about 3 months ago. I remember being impressed that she was out and about.

The babies were all a bit cranky today. Not sure if it was the bad naps, hot weather or something else.

Sam, Lincoln and Parker all got alone well save a few incidents involving the hammock.

As everyone was leaving, Lincoln told me to "take the keys out of the doors to make sure no one could break in" and Sam was yelling, "I LOVE YOU PARKER!"

In other news...Parker can now spell Parker. He even makes a joke about it. He says, "Parker...KER....Parker" with this sly grin on his face. He has also taken to requiring Michael to sing the bed time books to him. It's quite ridiculous.

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