Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I want the rides!

Today started off fairly well and took a quick turn for the worse before 11am.

Since Elizabeth was the only one not awake in the middle of the night last night, she was first to get up. I woke up Miranda to keep them in sync and then Parker woke up about 45 minutes later. We all ate, played and then took a walk to my old elementary school where we played some more. Back at home, the girls went down for a nap and I packed up and headed out to the pier with Parker.

He was in a good mood, enjoyed the arcade rides and was very intersted in the water.

At the end of the pier, there are these long steps. Parker, of course, wanted to go up them.

But on the first trip down, he tripped and scraped his knee bad. We never did fully recover from the fall. All. Day. Long. He was bleeding, so I tried to use a diaper to pat it up. Which he hated. Then he wanted a wipe...for his knee. A big mistake. Then he wanted me to kiss it. Then he wanted me to carry him. Then he sort of limped with this fake little limp. Then he wanted milk. Then orange juice. Then rides. It was pretty much non stop crying all the way back to the Merry Go Round. I finally got him calm and we went in to buy our tickets. But that would have been too easy. They did not have change for a $20 and would not let us ride the ride without exact change. Seriously???? So, there goes Parker screaming his head off again.

I went in search of change, we rode the damn merry go round and then went home. Where there was more screaming and crying for hats and "things" and whatever else. I immediately put him in bed, where he napped for over 2 hours. Thank god.

In the afternoon, we went to a park with Amy and Dana and their kids. Just after we parked and got out, more screaming and crying started. I reminded Parker that if we screamed and cried, we would go home. So, about 40 minutes later, when he started to scream and cry because I wanted him to stay closer to me, he got in the car and went home. There were at least three more screaming and crying sessions before bedtime, but who's counting???

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