Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Today was pretty mellow. Parker and I first went to the 99 cent store in the morning. Mom had told me about so many great purchases, I had to check it out. I quickly became overwhelmed (as I do at Ross, video stores and Cold Stone) and only got a few items before fleeing the store. The girls were still napping when we got back. (yay!) Grammy then came to pick up Parker for a play date, delivering a bag of super cute clothes for the girls (an early b-day present). After changing them into two of the new items, Mom and I then went to Ross (Senior Discount Day). Despite the fact that the elevators weren't working and we had to carry Eli and Miranda all about, we got some good deals for me and the gals.

We came home, played for a bit longer and then put everyone down for naps. While napping, Mom and went to Ralphs. Supermarkets are so pretty in LA. Dad was left in charge of the sleeping kids. When we returned, Dad was sleeping as were everyone else. I sat down for a few minutes to read a bad magazine but was quickly interuppted by some screaches from upstairs.

With everyone awake, we all went outside to play with a new box taken from the construction site across the street.

Parker and the girls were unimpressed with the box (until a door and windows were cut in it) and spent more time crawling about, playing with bubbles and having some snacks.

We then gave everyone a bath. (Mom said it was the first time she had bathed 4 people at once.) Then some more time in the jumpy thing borrowed from Julia. By then, the gals were tired and I was hungry. Yummy fried fish for dinner!

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