Wednesday, August 29, 2007


My poor old cat Noe hasn't been looking so good lately. She's lost weight, just lies around and isn't generally herself (which is a feisty, grumpy bitch). I decided I should take her in and yesterday made an appointment for Friday. But when I went to check on her last night, her breathing was very heavy. I changed the appointment to this afternoon and then to this morning when it really wasn't looking good. Luckily, Lety was here with her neice cleaning my house. I asked her to keep one eye on the babes during their nap while I ran down the vet. Parker came with me.

The vet said it was probably heart disease or heart failure, but wanted to take xrays to confirm. So I left poor Noe there and went back home to find two crying and very awake babies. No, they hadn't napped at all and were now super cranky. Within minutes, all three kids were crying. I packed up the bags and headed out to meet some twim moms in Orinda. A ride usually calms everyone down. Which it did. So much so, that Elizabeth fell asleep.

Everyone did great at the park. Elizabeth was feeling so spunky, she left our group and headed off to visit with some other kids for a while. When everyone was nice and hot, we headed home.

I called the vet to check in and yes, she was quite sick. They took 250cc's of liquid out of her heart area today which is a lot. They still aren't sure what is wrong with her and only lots of money and time will tell us for sure. As I am more concerned about her behavior and quality of life, I authorized another xray to rule out a tumor. We have to pick her up later today. There is some potential that she won't make it that long. Luckily, Amity, my previous employee and now good friend, is there with her in case anything happens. Even if she comes home tonight, there is a good chance the liquid will come back and we'll be back there tomorrow.

I keep thinking she'll live forever, but I suppose 15 years is a good long life for a cat. It's just hard to imagine my life without her.

Send good thoughts this way...

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