Thursday, December 06, 2007

Christmas Lane

Last night when I went to visit Amity, I noticed a street in Alameda full of Christmas Lights. So tonight, after being indoors most of the day, I got the kids dressed and into the car and drove over to see the lights. It was quite a sight. After driving up and down the block, Parker asked to get out of the car. Although it was cold, dark and raining slightly, I couldn't resist. We strolled up the block a bit to check it out. Apparently, this street does this every year. Every single house was lit up. If you live in the area and want to check it out, the stree is Thompson at Fernside. Parker was much happier about it all than the pictures indicate. And so was Lion, who came along for the trip. (Ted is still on the outs.)


Jenna said...

Seeing this makes me so happy. Walking down this street has been one of my family traditions for as long as I can remember. Was Santa there? There is also a mailbox on the middle island specifically for letters to Santa, which the kids might still be too young for, but I thought you should know for future reference.

rachel said...

No santa, but I saw where he would go and I saw the mailbox. Too frigin' cute. We'll probably head back when it isn't raining...