Monday, February 04, 2008


She drives me up a wall. She is so stubborn. And so demanding. And so bossy. And just down right mean sometimes. She's been in a bad mood for weeks it feels like. But then...

Every now and then, she'll do something ridiculously sweet or cute. Today, she did 3.

The first was this morning when after hearing me tell Parker it was time to go Potty, she started pulling down her pants. So we all went into the bathroom where Elizabeth got up on the toilet and sat there quite contently for a long while. She didn't go, but when she was "all done", she took some toilet paper, actually wiped in the correct spot and put it in the toilet. It was hilarious. (Of course then Miranda wanted a turn.)

The second was at the doctor's office. (I took them in for potential ear infections and sure enough, Miranda had one.) Upon finishing the exams, I was getting her dressed. She took one shoe and brought it to the doctor to put on her. The doctor was even impressed considering this was just the woman poking and proding at her.

The final time was just before naps. Naps were a bit late and the girls were antsy. They've been getting into these glow worm dolls they got a long while ago from Grammy so I put one in each bed. When I had to return the second time to put them back in the crib, I warned them as I was leaving, "The next time I have to come in here, no more glow worms." Then I said, "Night, night." Just then, Elizabeth looked up and waved bye bye to me. Minutes later, they were both asleep...dolls in hand.

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