Friday, February 01, 2008

The dreaded yellow slide.

Parker and I went to Playplace today. He hadn't been out too much with my back out, so just he and I went there for a bit today. He ran up and down the structure, played with another girl (Hi! I'm Parker!), and had a great always.

At this particular McDonalds, there are 2 slides. A red one. And a yellow one. As soon as I mention that we are going there, he launches into a speech about how he isn't going to go on the yellow slide. When we get there, he repeats it again and again. And today when the girl wanted him to go down it, he was adamant that he would not.

It's very strange since both slides are the same. He enjoys watching other kids going down it, clapping with glee as they come out. And today I, with my bad back, even offerred to go down with him, thinking he just needed to do it once safely with me and then he could do it on his own. He said nooooo thankssssss.

I wish I could figure out what was wrong with the yellow slide. Until I do, I'll just enjoy my fries.

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