Thursday, February 28, 2008

Once, twice, three times a Parker.

As anyone who has met Parker knows, he tends to repeat things. I'm not entirely sure why. At first, I thought he was waiting for a response. You know like, "Mommy, Lion is going on the bridge!" If I didn't say anything, he would say it again. But, if I said something like, "Oh, I see," he still repeated it.

He repeats things he wants. Things he sees. Stories from earlier in the day. Pretty much everything. And I suppose there is nothing really wrong with it except that it drives me absolutely crazy. Bonkers. "Poke a sharp stick in my eye" nutty.

So I'm been working with him on not repeating things. When he says something, I respond in whatever way I do and then when he says it again, I said, "I heard you and please don't repeat things." (Ok, sometimes I don't say please.)

He's actually understanding it. He says things like, "I'm not suppose to repeat things."

Then at dinner tonight he said:

"I'm not suppose to say things twice."

"I'm not suppose to say things twice."


1 comment:

Lori said...

Maybe he is thinking out loud and does not even realize he is repeating himself. Bless his little heart. I am sending you lots of love and patience, Rachel, this too shall pass.